5 Albums I Can’t Live Without: Ben Barlow of Neck Deep

5-albums-i-can’t-live-without: ben-barlow-of-neck-deep

Name  Ben/Benis/Big/Biggo

Best known for 
 Neck Deep / the guy who goes to his local convenience store in sweatpants and slippers daily. 

Current city  Chester, England.

Really want to be in  Barcelona. Chilling on the beach smoking a bat, after a day [of] skating…doing hood rat shit. 

Excited about  New self-titled album from Neck Deep (releasing January 19th). The US tour for that, and then our biggest headline show ever at Alexandra Palace in London (“Ally Pally”).

My current music collection has a lot of  Jeff Rosenstock, High Vis, Dead Pioneers, Militarie Gun, Mil-Spec, Freddie Gibbs, Tyler, the Creator, NOFX, CIV, Shelter. Always blink-182.

And a little bit of  Hip-hop/rap… and the Beatles

Preferred format  Vinyl is great and I love spinning records but I can’t face building a proper collection, I get overwhelmed easy, so streaming is probably my most frequent format.

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5 Albums I Can’t Live Without:


Hellmode, Jeff Rosenstock 

Perfect fusion of punk and indie rock. Great lyrics. Great production. Varied, ambitious, fun and interesting start to finish.


Blending, High Vis 

Many bands have tried to marry the hard rock/indie sound of Oasis with hardcore. Most fall just short or feels like a parody, but High Vis pull it off perfectly. They blur the lines between indie rock and hardcore perfectly, making for something truly original. 


10, 000 gecs, 100 gecs 

Absolute chaos. Unlimited energies. MySpace gold. Frogs on the floor.


Marathon, Mil-Spec 

A great evolution and step up for the band. Memorable parts and lyrics. Great workout record.


Life Under the Gun, Militarie Gun 

Vibing one minute, moshing the next. Good lyrics and catchy hooks.

Link to the source article – https://www.spin.com/2024/01/5-albums-i-cant-live-without-ben-barlow-of-neck-deep/

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