Bjork, Rosalia Release Video For Charity Single ‘Oral’


After teasing its arrival in early October, Björk and Rosalía have released their first collaboration, “Oral.” Produced by Sega Bodgea, the song aims to bring attention to the environmental and ecological consequences of open-pen ocean salmon farming in Björk’s native Iceland. Proceeds will support litigation against foreign-owned fisheries brought forward by residents of the Icelandic town of Seyðisfjörður.

The video for “Oral” was directed by Carlota Guerrero, and in it, Björk and Rosalía wield swords, don unusual outfits, and grapple with one another in a large, open room as they prepare to fight a formative enemy.

“Oral” was written between Björk’s 1997 album Homogenic and 2001’s Vespertine, but she thought the song was too poppy and relegated it to her archives for more than 20 years. While on tour in Australia earlier this year, she was watching TV and saw the word “oral” flash on screen. The experience reminded her of the existence of “Oral” and inspired her to revisit it with Rosalía’s assistance.

Björk is currently on tour in Europe and will perform tonight (Nov. 21) in Hamburg.

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