Eslabon Armado Plays Finish the Lyrics

eslabon-armado-plays-finish-the lyrics

Eslabon Armado finished the lyrics to some of their major hits, including “Ella Baila Sola,” “Con Tus Besos” and more.

Eslabon Armado:

Hi, we’re Eslabon Armado here. We’re with Billboard and we’re going to Finish the Lyrics of our own songs. 

“You are a beautiful hottie/ That’s why for you I must be a bandit …”

No? Oh! Blondie! Wait, I don’t know how it goes. This is an old one. This is from Desvelado.

“Baby, every kiss you’d give me …”

Oh my god!

“To forget about that/ among drinks and kisses/ By the beach, perfect/ And when you said/ I love you.”

“To take you wherever you want/ like a princess/ To make your wishes come true, oh/ That’s why I work for you/ To give you a better life.”

Link to the source article –

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