What do singers listen to when singing?

  • si-o

    January 4, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    When singers are singing, they may listen to a combination of things such as:

    1. The song they’re currently singing: They need to know the melody, lyrics, and rhythm of the song.
    2. A piano or another instrument: In many professional settings, singers will perform with a live band or accompanist. They need to listen to the instrument(s) to ensure they’re in tune and singing in time with the music.
    3. A pre-recorded track: Some singers, especially in pop and electronic music, perform with a pre-recorded track. They need to listen to this to stay in time and in tune.
    4. Their own voice: Singers need to listen to their own voice to ensure they’re singing the right notes, keeping a steady rhythm, and maintaining the right tone and expression for the song.
    5. A metronome or drum beat: Some singers use a metron

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