Ibeyi Return With Pa Salieu-Assisted Single ‘Made Of Gold’

The sister duo invoke the spirit of their ancestors….

Ibeyi continue their exploration of the spiritual and sanctified with insurgent new single ‘Made Of Gold’, featuring Gambian-British rapper Pa Salieu

Recorded at the beginning of 2021 in London, it features the duo’s signature’s choral interplay over a pulsing programmed beat. In addition to further interrogating their Yoruba faith, the duo also took inspiration from The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, revitalised by a particular piece of potent scripture. 

In the accompanying video, conceptualised by Ibeyi and directed by Daniel Sannwald, divine feminine energy meets an earthly parable. Ibeyi are enlightened! 

Speaking on ‘Made Of Gold’, Ibeyi says: 

“Whilst we were creating the layers of the backing vocals, we could feel that we were making contact with out ancestors; that what we were recording was calling on the brujas and our ancestors for their ancient knowledge. ‘Made Of Gold’ is about connecting to our ancestors’ knowledge, to the truths of the the past and the power of the ancient.” 

Ibeyi’s third studio album is due for release in 2022. 

Tune in now…

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Link to the source article – https://www.clashmusic.com/news/ibeyi-return-with-pa-salieu-assisted-single-made-of-gold

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