Marc Jacques Burton Designs Limited Edition Football Kits For Regal FC

Scotch meets football…

Marc Jacques Burton has unveiled a new collaboration for Regal FC, the new concept football club from Chivas. The partnership is a celebration of contemporary football culture and Marc Jacques Burton’s expressive designs.

Celebrated British menswear designer Marc Jacques Burton has designed three football kits for Regal FC, each to be made available over the coming months. Each kit references classic Chivas colours and the Scotch brand’s distruptive attitude towards whisky. The first drop has been designed in a luxury a black and gold, brought to life with Marc Jacques Burton’s signature linear detailing and reimagines 70s punk culture with distinctive-electrifying patterns.

All proceeds from the first drop of the shirts will be donated to Alive and Kicking UK – the world’s only not-for-profit ball manufacturer that aids disadvantaged communities by creating ethical jobs, delivering vital health education and delivering balls to enable people to play football across the world.

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