Porno for Pyros Share Holiday Single ‘Pete’s Dad’


Last month, Porno for Pyros revealed their upcoming tour would be their last, and ahead of it, they were releasing a three-song EP of songs that were originally conceived in the ’90s. Today, the Perry Farrell-led group unveiled a surprise new holiday single. Titled “Pete’s Dad,” the standalone track is about guitarist Peter DiStefano’s father surviving cancer against the odds. The song reflects the band’s joy in finding out the news.

“Best friends are people of action, when Porno for Pyros created this song ‘Pete’s Dad,’ that’s when I knew these band of men were my best friends,” DiStefano said.

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So far, Porno for Pyros released “Agua” from their EP, which is out in February. Of the song, Farrell told SPIN, “I love that one because one of the things the world needs to work on is the distribution of clean water.” 

And, speaking of the tour, the singer said “I couldn’t be happier. We’re going into the underground again and we’re going to be performing with DIY artists around the country and we’re going create a scene from blood, sweat, and tears.”

Porno for Pyros’ farewell tour kicks off on Feb. 13 at the Observatory in Santa Ana, Ca. Bassist Mike Watt is back in the fold for the second time, replacing Martyn LeNoble who bowed out last month.

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