WATCH: Lorna Shore’s Will Ramos Deliver A Desolating One Take Vocal Performance Of ‘Of The Abyss’

An unstoppable force.

One of the most incredible parts of Lorna Shore’s return to the spotlight has been the introduction of Will Ramos on vocals. Possessing the most intense and insane of ranges, from monolithic lows to soaring highs and with a few inhumane grunts thrown in for good measure, it feels like only the beginning of what the band will be capable of in the future.

But to show a bit of how he actually does it, Will has been releasing some special one-take vocal performances. The latest is of ‘Of The Abyss’, the symphonic masterpiece slap bang in the middle of the band’s latest EP ‘…And I Return To Nothingness’.

Aside from the performance being absolutely flawless, the biggest takeaway is how much the vocals look like second nature to Will, years of hard work, patience and fine-tuning of technique coming to a head in the most stunning of manners.

You can check it out for yourself below:

And here is his previous attempt, for the outrageous ‘To The Hellfire’:

Will also recently made an appearance on Brand Of Sacrifice’s new version of ‘Lifeblood’, which you can check out below:

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