We Came As Romans Have Released A Destructive New Track ‘Daggers’

Featuring a huge verse courtesy of Zero 9:36 too.

We Came As Romans have dropped another new track, and it’s yet another belter.

The song is called ‘Daggers’ and is the most punishing and powerful of the three that the band have teased from their new er so far. 

Defiant, destructive and dripping in post-hardcore brutality, it also features a hard and heavy verse from Zero 9:36

The band had this to say about the tune:

“‘Daggers’ was the song on the record that was written, and rewritten, over and over again. It was a wild ride of us just trying to create a song that sounded unlike something we’ve done before — a new journey for the listener that they weren’t used to hearing from us. We couldn’t think of a better way to do that than to introduce an entire verse of Zero, and try to make a genre-connecting bridge.

“Lyrically, ‘Daggers’ is about that inner battle that we all go through — the talks you have with yourself about whether or not you’re good enough, smart enough, or just enough in general. The lyrics are about conquering that battle, being able to emerge victorious and be sure about your self worth and your value as a person. With the acknowledgement that it’s not an easy task, that it can be a rage-fueled combat between the negativity in your mind and the place you want to be… we’ve decided to be ready for it and conquer the fight.”

Here we go then:

It follows on from ‘Black Hole’, which features Beartooth’s Caleb Shomo:

Which followed on from ‘Darkbloom’:

Link to the source article – https://www.rocksound.tv/news/read/we-came-as-romans-have-released-a-destructive-new-track-daggers

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